Friday, June 4 – Early Release + Last Day of School
STAR Reports
Our final STAR report for reading and math will be sent home on Friday, May 28. Please watch for a separate email from Mr. Waldie with more information!
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home in the mail on Friday, June 11.
We are assessing our final unit which tackles metric and customary conversions, area and volume, and attributes of 2D shapes.
We are working through our unit: Argument and Advocacy which explores debatable issues and helps students understand various points of view surrounding an issue before choosing a position and using evidence to support an opinion.
We are examining the formation of our Constitution after the events of the American Revolution.
Georgetown’s Got Talent!
Each class from 3rd-5th will be having a LIVE Talent Show Day during their music time. The hope is to have the stage set up, microphones, class MCs, and run it as close to a mini Talent Show as possible during their class time. During this live show, Mrs. Bretz will be videotaping each act. The “official” Georgetown’s GOT TALENT Talent Show will be VIRTUAL. Of the videotaped acts, Mrs. Bretz will select 20-25 acts from the in-class live performances to create the virtual show. This will be shared with the whole school to watch at their convenience during the last week of school. Look for students who are interested in performing to bring home information papers. One side is a parent letter, the other is their act information.
Camp Update
On Tuesday, May 11 we sent home balance slips if you participated in the fundraiser.
The balance or full payment of $60 will be due on Monday, May 24th. Please make checks payable to Georgetown Elementary.
On Thursday, June 3, all fifth-grade students in the district will have an extended day camp experience at CranHill Ranch.
Students can take their normal mode of transportation to school in the morning.
The estimated arrival back to school will be around 9:00 PM.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowed to bring parent chaperones.
Georgetown Virtual Art Show- Congrats to Meghan, Jordyn, Brynlee, and Alba for their pieces that were included!
We have started a class Survivor competition. We are incorporating all subjects and some choice learning into our game as we learn to work together as a team to achieve a goal.
Preparing for our Airplane Competition where we practiced converting measurements.
This week, each of our fifth-grade classes Zoom meetings with middle school staff.
An email was sent earlier detailing the process for information for scheduling middle school classes.
Deadline for scheduling classes in PowerSchool: May 12
Pink forms must be returned to your child’s teacher by May 12.
Camp Update
All fifth-grade students in the district will have an extended day camp experience at CranHill Ranch.
The date for Georgetown students will be Thursday, June 3.
Students can take their normal mode of transportation to school in the morning.
The estimated arrival back to school will be around 9:00 PM.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowed to bring parent chaperones.
More information coming soon!
On Tuesday we will send home balance slips if you participated in the fundraiser.
The balance or full payment of $60 will be due on Monday, May 24th.
Please make checks payable to Georgetown Elementary.
Deputy VanDis has been coming in to share with us about drugs and alcohol and internet safety. We got to see his police car and hear lots of stories about his career!
Parents, please remind your child of the expectations regarding phones at school.
Students should not have phones during the school day.
If phones are brought to school, they must be powered off and remain in students’ backpacks.
Please be aware that student belongings are not stored in locked areas.
Loss or damage is the responsibility of the student.
M-STEP Update
Fifth graders worked so hard to complete the M-STEP.
Students who were absent for test sessions will begin their make up sessions next week.
Camp Update
All fifth grade students in the district will have an extended day camp experience at CranHill Ranch.
The date for Georgetown students will be Thursday, June 3.
Students can take their normal mode of transportation to school in the morning.
Estimated arrival back to school will be around 9:00 PM.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowed to bring parent chaperones.
More information coming soon!
Optional Fundraiser
The camp experience cost for this year is $60.
Click here for more information about this optional fundraising opportunity.
Fundraiser ends on Monday, May 3.
Middle School Transition Information
Thursday, April 29th the students were given an opportunity to try different musical instruments to see if they are interested in band or orchestra for next school year.
Monday, May 3 -or- Tuesday, May 4, 7:00 PM – Parent Information Meeting for Middle School Music
Location: Hudsonville Freshman Campus Stadium
If your child is interested in participating in band, choir, or orchestra next year, please attend one of these meetings.
Meetings are identical; please choose the one that works with your schedule.
We will be having our camp experience on June 3 at Cran Hill Ranch! It seems far away, but it’ll be here before we know it! The cost of the experience will be $60 per student. To help offset this cost, we are providing families an OPTIONAL opportunity to fundraise through the Goodies Factory! Look for information coming home with your child today. Please look through the physical materials, including a packet and parent letter, as well as this Goodies Factory Fundraiser slideshow to guide you through the process!Fundraiser Timeline:
Georgetown is celebrating reading for the month of March. We continue our school-wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read this week!
A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing. Students are to turn in their reading logs on Monday.
We will have dress up days each Friday in March. Our next dress up day is Thursday, April 1. Our theme is Read and Feed. Wear PJ’s or comfy clothes for some comfy reading time.
Reproductive Health Video
The videos will be shown on April 1 with a discussion following the 2:30 video showing.
If you DO NOT want your child to view the video with the grade level gender group, please contact me via email. Please arrange to pick your child up prior to the viewing time.
Spring Break
Friday, April 2 – Sunday April 11
M-STEP Reminder
M-STEP testing dates for 5th grade:
April 20, 22, 27, 29th. Please avoid any outside appointments on those days in which your child will be gone from school.
Camp Update
All fifth grade students in the district will have an extended day camp experience at CranHill Ranch.
The date for Georgetown students will be Thursday, June 3.
Students can take their normal mode of transportation to school in the morning.
Estimated arrival back to school will be around 9:00 PM.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowed to bring parent chaperones.
Georgetown is celebrating reading for the month of March. We continue our school-wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read this week!
A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing. Students are to turn in their reading logs on Monday.
We will have dress up days each Friday in March. Our next dress up day is Friday, March 26. Our theme is Hoedown! We welcome students to wear jeans, maybe even a belt buckle or boots.
Class Chromebooks
Our chromebooks have arrived! If your child wants to bring in a pair of wired headphones, we encourage them to keep their headphones in a labeled ziplock bag.
M-STEP Reminder
M-STEP testing dates for 5th grade:
April 20, 22, 27, 29th. Please avoid any outside appointments on those days in which your child will be gone from school.
Camp Update
All fifth grade students in the district will have an extended day camp experience at CranHill Ranch.
The date for Georgetown students will be Thursday, June 3.
Students can take their normal mode of transportation to school in the morning.
Estimated arrival back to school will be around 9:00PM.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowed to bring parent chaperones.
Georgetown is celebrating reading for the month of March. We continue our school-wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read this week!
A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing. Students are to turn in their reading logs on Monday.
We will have dress up days each Friday in March. Our next dress up day is Friday, March 19. We welcome students to wear a shirt with a word or saying on it.
Class Chromebooks
Our chromebooks have arrived! If your child wants to bring in a pair of wired headphones, we encourage them to keep their headphones in a labeled ziplock bag.
We will be assessing Unit 5: Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals early this week.
We are wrapping up our literary essay about the theme found in our book club books.
Since we’re asking students to spend a few extra minutes reading to complete the reading month calendar, we will not have our normal weekly reading homework sheet for the month of March.
Social Studies:
We are learning about the first events of the Revolutionary War.