Fifth Grade School
Supply List 2020-2021
Supply list needed for the classroom:
- Mask/face covering
- (1) pencil pouch or bag
- (5) spiral notebooks – wide rule (one each of red, blue yellow, and green + one of your choice)
- (5) two-pocket folders (one each of red, blue yellow, and green + one of your choice)
- (3) packs of 3” sticky notes
- (2) dry erase markers
- (1) highlighter
- (1) scissors
- (1) package of colored pencils
- (2) large glue sticks
- (1) pair of gym shoes to be left at school for physical education class
***Please do not bring a large trapper keeper type binder or a hard pencil box.
These are too big to store in the desks in our classroom.***
Highly recommended items that kids often like to bring for their private use:
- extra #2 pencils
- hand sanitizer
- pencil erasers
- colored marking pen for editing/correcting (not black or blue)
If you’d like to help out and contribute a little extra, below are some additional supplies that you can donate for communal use. Choose one or two!
- Tissues… lots of tissues… 😉
- Disinfecting wipes
- Extra “pre-packaged” snacks – for if a child forgets one. Nothing too “exciting!”
- chewy granola bars (peanut/nut free please!)
- mini bags of pretzels
- Gallon and quart-sized zippered baggies
Supplies for Specials Classes
This year for STEAM and art (or any other activity for which they might be needed), we hope to have “Specials To Go Kits.” Students will bring their bags with their supplies in them to avoid sharing materials. This eliminates the need to clean supplies used after each class, in order to maximize learning time.
“Specials To Go Kit”
- 1 Gallon size ziploc bag with your child’s name and class labeled on the outside
- 2 Glue Sticks
- 24 color crayon box
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Scissors
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Hand held pencil sharpener
- Black Sharpie permanent marker
Optional Donations:
- 1 oz. Play Doh packets
- gallon sized ziploc bags
- Boxes of Tissues
- Paper towels