Monthly Archives: November 2020

What’s Coming Up – Week of November 16-20, 2020

Hello parents,

I look forward to connecting with you next week during virtual conferences Please reference your confirmation emails from Calendly with information regarding the timing, Zoom link, etc. If you need anything before then, please reach out!


    • Please refer to Dr. VanderJagt’s email for more details. Thanksgiving Break is now ONE FULL WEEK- NOV. 21-29.
    • Light work, at-home packets will be sent Friday the 20th for work on Monday, 23rd-/Tuesday 24th.
  • Early Release: Friday, Nov. 13
  • Book Fair Nov. 16-20. Our preview day is 11:00-11:20 on Tuesday, Nov 17. Our shopping day is 11:00-11:30 on Thursday, Nov 19.

The annual P.E. C.A.R.E.S food drive will continue until Nov. 18.  We will be keeping track of how many items each class brings in.  The class with the most items brought in by NOON on Nov. 18 will win a P.E. C.A.R.E.S t-shirt and a bowling trip to Hudsonville Lane. (If allowed this year)

This is a great opportunity for our students to care for their community, to teach our kids compassion and love for others.  Thanks for sharing in this service project with us at Georgetown.

Here we are celebrating World Kindness Day and sharing some love with those at GES!


What’s Coming Up – Week of November 9-13, 2020

Fall Conferences

Conferences will be held virtually this year. If you haven’t yet, please click here to sign up for a time on either Monday, Nov. 16, or Tuesday, Nov. 18.


  • We are wrapping up Unit 2: Adding & Subtracting whole numbers & decimals. We will begin work on Unit 3: Multiplication and Division with Fractions 
  • We will continue to focus on mastering our multiplication and division math facts. Please practice these at home and utilize your child’s online access to MobyMax Fact Fluency homework.


  • We are continuing our writing unit on writing a personal narrative. 
  • At home reading logs are due every Monday morning.

Social Studies

We are continuing our unit called Three Worlds Meet which examines the interaction between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans in North America.  


The annual P.E. C.A.R.E.S food drive will be starting on November 4. We are asking for your help by bringing in non-perishable food items for Love Inc. in Hudsonville.

Food items to consider are canned vegetables and fruits, pasta, rice, baked beans, black beans, kidney beans, peanut butter, tuna fish, etc. (please no ramen noodles, and please do not break apart packaged food)

The food drive will continue until Nov. 18.  We will be keeping track of how many items each class brings in.  The class with the most items brought in by NOON on Nov. 18 will win a P.E. C.A.R.E.S t-shirt and a bowling trip to Hudsonville Lane. (If allowed this year)

This is a great opportunity for our students to care for their community, to teach our kids compassion and love for others.  Thanks for sharing in this service project with us at Georgetown.

PE Cares


The annual P.E. C.A.R.E.S food drive will be starting on November 4. We are asking for your help by bringing in non-perishable food items for Love Inc. in Hudsonville.

Food items to consider are canned vegetables and fruits, pasta, rice, baked beans, black beans, kidney beans, peanut butter, tuna fish, etc. (please no ramen noodles, and please do not break apart packaged food)

The food drive will continue until Nov. 18.  We will be keeping track of how many items each class brings in.  The class with the most items brought in by NOON on Nov. 18 will win a P.E. C.A.R.E.S t-shirt and a bowling trip to Hudsonville Lane. (If allowed this year)

This is a great opportunity for our students to care for their community, to teach our kids compassion and love for others.  Thanks for sharing in this service project with us at Georgetown.

What’s Coming up: Week of November 2- 6


  • November 3rd – Picture Retake Day
  • Virtual Conferences
    • An email was sent regarding virtual conferences on Friday! Please check your inbox and sign up for a time slot on the link provided!
  • Fall party! Check out some pictures below of our celebration!

Fall Celebration – We “broke out” of our class escape room by solving Halloween-themed puzzles and riddles!  The kids also enjoyed playing Halloween Bingo and winning tasty treats! In the afternoon we relaxed and enjoyed viewing the movie, Wonder. We watched the movie and ate special snacks that were donated, then we got in a few more rounds of Bingo before heading home.  What a fun day!!!