What’s Coming Up- Week of March 15-19

March Reading Month

  • Georgetown is celebrating reading for the month of March. We continue our school-wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read this week! 
    • A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing. Students are to turn in their reading logs on Monday.
    • We will have dress up days each Friday in March. Our next dress up day is Friday, March 19. We welcome students to wear a shirt with a word or saying on it. 

Class Chromebooks

  • Our chromebooks have arrived! If your child wants to bring in a pair of wired headphones, we encourage them to keep their headphones in a labeled ziplock bag.


  • We will be assessing Unit 5: Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals early this week.


  • We are wrapping up our literary essay about the theme found in our book club books.
  • Since we’re asking students to spend a few extra minutes reading to complete the reading month calendar, we will not have our normal weekly reading homework sheet for the month of March.

Social Studies:

  • We are learning about the first events of the Revolutionary War.

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